In WordPress, it is possible to protect certain posts with a password, so that only users who know the password can view the post. However, when navigating through the website, these password-protected posts may still appear in the pagination links, such as the “previous post” and “next post” links. This can be a security concern, as it may reveal the existence of password-protected content on the website.

To solve this issue, we can use the WordPress default filters to remove password-protected posts from the pagination links. These filters are “get_previous_post_where” and “get_next_post_where”, which are applied to the SQL WHERE clause that is used to retrieve the adjacent posts.

1. get_next_post_where

The “get_previous_post_where” filter is applied to the SQL WHERE clause that is used to retrieve the post before the currently-displayed post. It has the following arguments: WHERE clause, stay in the same category (true/false), and a list of excluded categories.

2. get_previous_post_where

The “get_next_post_where” filter is applied to the SQL WHERE clause that is used to retrieve the post after the currently-displayed post. It has the same arguments as the “get_previous_post_where” filter.

To remove password-protected posts from the pagination links, we can use these filters and add an additional condition to the SQL WHERE clause, to exclude posts that have a password. Here is an example of how this can be done:


add_filter('get_previous_post_where', 'remove_password_post_links_adjacent');
add_filter('get_next_post_where', 'remove_password_post_links_adjacent');
function remove_password_post_links_adjacent($where)
return $where ." AND post_password = '' ";


This code can be added to your theme’s functions.php file. It adds the filters to the “get_previous_post_where” and “get_next_post_where” hooks and defines the function “remove_password_post_links_adjacent”, which takes one argument, the original WHERE clause. The function then adds an additional condition to the WHERE clause, “AND post_password = ””, which excludes any posts that have a password set.

It is important to note that this solution only applies to pagination links that use the “get_previous_post” and “get_next_post” functions. If you are using custom navigation or a different method to display the adjacent posts, you may need to use a different solution.

Additionally, this code will remove password protected post links in pagination, but it will still show password protected posts in the main loop, so you may want to consider using a filter such as “posts_where” to exclude password protected post links from the main loop as well.


In conclusion, password-protected posts may appear in pagination links, revealing the existence of secure content on a website. To solve this issue, we can use WordPress default filters, such as “get_previous_post_where” and “get_next_post_where”, to remove password-protected posts from pagination links by adding an additional condition to the SQL WHERE clause. It is important to note that this solution only applies to pagination links that use the “get_previous_post” and “get_next_post” functions, and it is recommended to consider excluding password protected post links from the main loop as well.