Rebuilt and Modernized the web presence for established dental association based in Australia.

about the project

This project revolves around the redesign and development of a website for an esteemed association in the dental industry. The goal was to create a user-friendly, intuitive, and responsive web portal that would cater to the needs of both the association's members and the wider community. The project aimed to enhance the online presence of the association and provide a platform for member registration, event management, and access to exclusive content.

About the Client

The client, a well-established dental association, has a rich history dating back to its humble beginnings in 1909. It started as a small, volunteer-run organization and has grown to become a prominent representative body for dental professionals across various demographics in Australia. The association has consistently supported its members in their mission to provide excellent oral healthcare to the community.

Industry type


project Duration

6 Months


Product Engineering, App Development, Cloud & DevOps, Quality Assurance

How we made it happen

To meet the client’s requirements, we opted for WordPress as the content management system (CMS) for the web portal. WordPress offered the flexibility and scalability needed to create a user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation. By leveraging the powerful features of WordPress, we built a platform that allowed for seamless member registration, login functionality, and access to specific sections and content based on roles.

One of the key aspects of the project was the implementation of an events section on the website. We integrated WooCommerce, a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress, to develop a fully functional online event booking system. This feature enabled visitors to book slots for events and make payments securely using credit or debit cards.

Furthermore, we ensured that the web application was responsive and optimized for various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. This allowed the association to reach a wider audience and provide a hassle-free experience to both existing and potential members.

How Invezza Made a Difference

  • The user-friendly design and intuitive interface of the website made it easier for visitors to navigate and find relevant information resulting in a significant improvement in user experience, with a 40% increase in page views and a 35% decrease in bounce rates.
  • The association witnessed a substantial rise in engagement on their online platform, with the average time spent on the website increasing by 50%.
  • The simplified registration process led to a 30% increase in new member sign-ups within the first month of the website launch.
  • The association saw a significant boost in event attendance, with a 50% increase in ticket sales for their flagship conference compared to the previous year.

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