Developed a Drupal-Based Platform to Propel Independent Schools

about the project

This case study unveils the development of an expansive website tailored for a non-profit organization. The platform serves as a comprehensive support, advocacy, and promotional hub for Independent Schools.

About the Client

Our client, a non-profit entity focused on empowering Independent Schools, sought to establish a dynamic online presence. Their vision encompassed a sophisticated website enabling efficient content management, while specifically catering to essential aspects such as professional events, Vocational and inclusive education. The intricate needs of various user roles within the Independent Schools community presented a unique challenge.

Industry type


project Duration

13 Months


App Development, Cloud & DevOps, Quality Assurance

How we made it happen

Invezza undertook a meticulous approach to fulfill the client’s aspirations:

User Roles and Groups: We devised a comprehensive system with over 30 distinct user roles and 15 groups, designed to manage diverse activities pertinent to each school’s functionalities.

Professional Learning Event Flow: Implementation of an intricate event flow for Professional Learning enabled distinct stages at each level, facilitating group and individual registrations with specialized status tracking.

Automated Invoicing: A streamlined batch process was established for generating and distributing invoices seamlessly, ensuring prompt communication with users and schools.

Funding Pool Activation: A dynamic system for activating funding pools informed all schools about application submissions, fostering a cohesive and well-coordinated process.

Vocational Education Complex Flow: A robust mechanism was devised for Vocational education, meticulously tracking the journey from funding request to allocation, approval, and disbursement.

Content Management and Conditional Access: Empowering staff to manage website content, we provided conditional access to specific sections for generating specialized reports.

How Invezza Made a Difference

  • Efficient Operations: The website streamlined various operations, including event management, application submissions, and funding allocation, fostering operational efficiency.
  • Enhanced User Experience: With user-centric design and well-defined roles, the platform ensured an intuitive and tailored experience for each Independent School.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: The automated processes and conditional access to reports optimized resource allocation and minimized administrative burden.
  • Transparent Event Management: The seamless event flow ensured transparency and accountability at every level of Professional Learning event management.
  • Comprehensive Vocational Education: The complex flow for Vocational education enabled a systematic journey from application to fund distribution.
  • Centralized Content Control: Staff enjoyed enhanced control over website content, facilitating timely updates and improvements.

In conclusion, Invezza’s collaboration with the non-profit organization resulted in a dynamic website that effectively met the diverse needs of Independent Schools. This success showcases Invezza’s commitment to tailoring technology solutions for the specific challenges of the education sector, promoting efficiency, transparency, and growth.

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