Re-engineered the feature-rich ecommerce platform for a leading automotive company

about the project

Ecommerce platform with ability to manage large number of tires, wheels and its package products. Integrated with number of third party services such as VAST, Size-It-Up, Synchrony Financial, FedEx and providing consumers with an ability of powerful product search.

About the Client

The client is one of the leading companies in US who is into automotive tires and wheels. They sell tires and wheels products including the packages for the range of vehicles for all the top auto brands. They have huge backend system to manage auto products and connected with various fulfilment centers through multiple third-party services.

Industry type


project Duration

9 months


Product Engineering, App Development, Quality Assurance

tech stack


About the Project:

The client wanted to build an feature-rich online platform capable of handling a large volume of tire and wheel products that enables consumers to easily search, select, and purchase packages.

Few features client was expecting in the online platform were:

Product Comparison: Develop a product comparison feature to empower customers to compare different tires, wheels, and packages based on their specific needs.

 Responsive Interface Redesign: Improve the user experience by redesigning a responsive interface that seamlessly adapts to various screen resolutions.

 Advanced Search Functionality: Implement a search functionality allowing users to find tire, wheel, or package options based on their vehicle make and model, as well as specific sizes.

 Comprehensive E-commerce Integration: Build an end-to-end e-commerce website with a smooth shopping cart flow. Integrate various third-party services such as VAST, Size it up, and Synchrony Financial.

 Admin and Merchant Management: Enable administrators and merchants to efficiently manage products, inventory, and orders through a comprehensive back-end system.

How We Made It Happen

During our initial meetings with client, we had an understanding of past experiences and challenges faced by client to overcome the expected implementation. There was a need to reinvent the thinking from a fresh technical perspective.

Requirement Analysis: We conducted a thorough analysis of the client’s business requirements, comparing them against existing workflows and competitor websites to identify areas for improvement.

Responsive Interface Redesign: We revamped the online store’s mobile-responsive interface, prioritizing ease of navigation, product search, and purchase flow for customers.

Core Feature Implementation: We successfully implemented essential features, including advanced search, tire and wheel purchasing, package creation, brand management, and more.

Product Comparison Feature: To facilitate product comparison, we introduced a compare checkbox for each item. Selected products were stored in a temporary database table, allowing users to review their choices later.

Pricing Management: We enabled administrators to manage minimum advertised pricing, ensuring its proper implementation on the front-end.

E-commerce Integration: We seamlessly integrated the client’s online store with various third-party services, such as Amazon and eBay, to streamline product inventory management.

Performance Optimization: We optimized the website’s speed and performance based on recommendations from tools like Google Speed, ensuring a smooth user experience.

How Invezza Made a Difference

  • Increased overall sales by 54% in next 6 months enabling to grow and establish further brand recognition.
  • The analytics proved that overall site traffic increased as a result of the new ecommerce platform.
  • Greater transparency into the order process, enabling staff to provide customers with more up-to-date information about tire deliveries

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